Overview Interview

If you happen to be stumbling onto my website for the first time . . . here is a pretty good summary of how I got here. Thanks for checking out my site.

Fish Escape

My wife Ashley thinks I am losing my mind – she is probably right.  I am extremely distracted at the moment and it because I am an addict whose drug of choice will be delivered in the near future.  I am addicted to fly fishing and I live in the desert – I get few […]

All I Want For Christmas Are Healthy Baby Boys

I haven’t been great about keeping up with this blog – and the reason is because I’m in a totally different place than I was when I started it. Also – I retired my ex-wife’s wedding some time ago. I still cannot get over how well made that thing is and I will never understand […]

Missouri River Bikini Hatch

I just got back from an entire week of fishing the Missouri River near Craig, Montana. 6 days floating in a pontoon boat and tossing flies to healthy wild trout with a few buddies did wonders for my soul. I wish there was a way to take a trip like that more than once a […]

Isabella’s Ice Cream

Ashley and I planned our backyard wedding last year in 9 days (no she wasn’t pregnant or marrying me to avoid deportation) and had our hands full. When my cousin Dominic and his wife Kristel generously offered to serve ice cream from their awesome electric Model T ice cream truck we were thrilled. Not only […]

Tucson Festival of Books

This weekend almost 500 authors are in Tucson for our Festival of Books. The event is huge. I lucked out and get to present at the event on Saturday the 10th at the UofA bookstore from 1:00-2:00. I will be hanging out after the presentation to sign books. There is a possibility – if I […]

My Retirement Community

I received this e-mail this week from my neighborhood association.  It is just too good to keep to myself.  I essentially live in a retirement community in the Tucson suburbs.  90% of the homes in my neighborhood are owned by retirees with small fancy dogs.  Watch out for the guy walking my neighborhood with his […]


Ashley and I got married in June.  We met on Match.com.  In my book I shared our Match.com story.  Match.com caught wind of it and they contacted me.  Check out the t-shirts they sent us.  If you find love on Match.com you too can get Match.com t-shirts. Online dating is an interesting phenomenon.  Truth be […]